Public Documents

If you are interested in finding a copy of our bylaws, as well as our consumer confidence reports, files are located below. To access all files, please visit our GOOGLE DRIVE.




Please note that this report is only done once a year in July, and encompasses the previous year.



Wisconsin DNR Drinking Water data

Robert William Park Water Association

Flushing Tee

The flushing tee allows the home owner and the Water Association to:

1. Check water pressure and flow up to the household water service.

2. Check water quality.

3. Check for an unrestricted flow of water from the water main to the household pipe system

4. To clear household lateral pipe.

House Lateral Flushing Procedure:

1. Remove cap from flushing tee.

2. Close valve "A" (if equipped) and attach a garden hose to flushing tee.

3. Open flushing valve "B" and discharge water into sewer clean-out or floor drain in basement

When water runs at full flow and clear, then reverse the flushing procedure to return to normal service.

The full flow gate or ball valves allow the water velocity to clean the lateral water line any time of the year.